
Profile: zjerry


User posts

10 years ago

My mistake, I was editing

I should edit

Solved, excuse me for a mess.

10 years ago

Not, I'm using no-source version of nopCommerce for now.

10 years ago

My MegaMenu.cshtml now looks like:

 @if (Model.Settings.IncludeAboutUsLink && !MvcHtmlString.IsNullOrEmpty(aboutUsTopicBlock))
         Uncomment this line below(comment the line above to have a link to the AboutUs topic instead of a dropdown menu.*@
        <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "aboutus" })">@T("AboutUs")</a></li>

But the popup still is present (browser cache cleared), it was working as expected in 3.0.

10 years ago

Unfortunately this solution stopped working in 3.02 can you please check it again?

10 years ago

Add the 'Recently Viewed' menu at the header.
This item should look like the quick cart dropdown.
Menu item shoud be disabled when recently viewed list is empty.

Add the 'Go to Comparision' menu item at the header (disabled when comparision is empty).

Allow custom tabs to appear in the QuickView.

10 years ago

Problem solved by uninstalling and then installing again the AjaxFilters plugin. There was stored procedure missing somehow in the DB.

10 years ago

This propably happened afet upgrade from 3.0 to 3.02 - im not sure since I've assumed that filters are working correctly and wasn't testing them for a while.

At my providers site ajax filters allows to select only one option e.g. single attribute checkbox and it stops to work till I refresh the page.

On localhost I'm receiving the "Loading the page failed" dialog message when using ajax filters both in IE10 & Chrome.
Chrome console also displays the following:
POST http://localhost:21787/Catalog7Spikes/GetFilteredProducts 500 (Internal Server Error)

Restarting appllication, cleaning cache etc. does not bring any relief.
What would you suggest?

10 years ago

Appears on entering product details.
Can be seen at the theme demo site as well both in IE10 and Chrome.

10 years ago

I've uninstalled and deleted all 3.0 plugins and theme, then copied new 3.02 files and installed them again.
The cloud zoomed image is now poping on top left corner of browser window, it should pop on the right side of the product picture. Settings for cloud zoom are as  in my 3.0 published site.

I've uninstalled and deleted all 3.0 plugins and theme, then copied new 3.02 files and installed them again.
The top level menu now appears like it has no styling at all...
It is now vertical and looks like regular links.
The submenu items looks properly.