
Profile: zjerry


User posts

11 years ago

Ok, I figured that out...

Just add the following to

.compare-products-page .page-body{
  overflow: auto;

to have a nice horizontal scrollbar in the comparision when needed.

11 years ago

Add horizontal scrollbar to the table in Compare Products page.
See what happens if you add three, four or more products to the comparision.

This works with Model.MinPrice and Model.MaxPrice only.

When I’m trying to use it with Model.SelectedPriceRange.From and Model.SelectedPriceRange.To

I receive:
                CS1502:Invalid arguments in the best suited overloaded method „Nop.Services.Catalog.IPriceFormatter.FormatPrice(decimal)”

                @priceFormatter.FormatPrice(Model.MinPrice) gives currency symbol in Upper Case (not like in the NopCommerce elsewhere)

Any ideas?

11 years ago

Where can I localize the popup with "NO RESULT FOUND" information?

I tried that line:

<span class="priceRangeMinPrice">@EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IPriceFormatter>().FormatPrice(Model.MinPrice)</span>

Unfortunately this couses a compilation error:

CS0103: Name „EngineContext” does not exist in current context.

So I've added the:

@using Nop.Core.Infrastructure

at the top of the view.

Now I'm receiving this error:

CS1502: invalid arguments exists in the best suited overloaded method „System.Web.WebPages.WebPageExecutingBase.Write(System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult)”

11 years ago

Thank you, probably I've entered wrong filter to find this string.

11 years ago

Where can I localize the MAINPAGE string that appears when the 'Include "Home Page" link' option is checked?

11 years ago

Since the NOP NeoFashion theme does not have separate forum I'll post my suggestions here.

1. When you hover your pointer over image the quick view green buton appears allowing to open popup with quick view but the rest of the picture is inactive. It seems natural that user will like to see the full product page when clicking on that inactive area.

2. In the product details attributes choice is after (!) the buy now buton. This order is inconvinient, especially when long desciptions are placed in the overview. Pleace place attribute choices before buy now button to achive natural flow of decisions. This is done ok in the quick view.

3. The same order inconsistency is present in the quick buy popup available form main page.

Alternate simple solution in the NopCommerce itself  which does not require any changes in the source code:

1. In the admin panel goto: Catalog->Attributes->Product Attributes
2. Click on Edit link of the attribute you'd like to change
3. In the description box click on 'Edit HTML source' button
4. Enter the following in the html source editor:

<div title="How to choose your size?" id="sizes-box" style="display: none;">
Put your size choosing description here....
<p><a onclick="$(&quot;#sizes-box&quot;).dialog(); return false;" href="#">How to choose your size?...</a></p>

5. Click on Update buton of HTML source editor
6. Save changes in attributes
7. Enjoy your newly added modal popup dialog in the store