
Profile: OTH


User posts

Social logins
4 years ago


I was just wondering if the theme supported social logins? I'm mainly wondering for when the theme is configured for the login to appear as a pop-up.

Best regards,

4 years ago


I was wondering if it's a possibility to add a "Call to Action" feature to the Footer logo? Like if you click on the logo than you can for example call a number?

Valentin wrote:
Hello Odinn Thor,

and as I have mentioned in my post in which I offered the above-mentioned piece of code:
"... it has never been tested and if you encounter any issues in the future you would need to deal with them yourself."

This is a customization to the theme`s original design and is not in the scope of our support to handle issues connected to it. It works in the majority of cases but you cannot have both sticky-header and such long category-lists in the theme.

Hope this clarifies things a bit.

Hi Valentin,

It definitely clarifies things! I didn't see the warning that you sent the user that requested the code in the beginning. I was too quick to jump straight to the code and use it.

Thank you for the quick answers, always enjoy the help you guys offer!

OTH wrote:

The problem seems to be that the header of your website sticks, which is not a default functionality of the theme. Maybe you should consider calculating the height of the window and adding a scroll to it. The theme is not developed with a sticky header, and it is customized after the purchase, so we can not provide you with a fix for that. For such questions, you can submit us a ticket through our ticketing system and we would be happy to help or advice where needed.

Hi Valentin,

Actually I am using a code that you offered in another topic forum for the "Emporium Theme" - Under this link: that made it possible to stick the Header on the top.

But you say it would be better not to have the code for this to work?

I mean that Valentin was the one that offered the code.

nikola.dragiev wrote:

The problem seems to be that the header of your website sticks, which is not a default functionality of the theme. Maybe you should consider calculating the height of the window and adding a scroll to it. The theme is not developed with a sticky header, and it is customized after the purchase, so we can not provide you with a fix for that. For such questions, you can submit us a ticket through our ticketing system and we would be happy to help or advice where needed.

Hi Valentin,

Actually I am using a code that you offered in another topic forum for the "Emporium Theme" - Under this link: that made it possible to stick the Header on the top.

But you say it would be better not to have the code for this to work?

4 years ago

Worked perfectly, thank you!

4 years ago


Great theme and very fun working with it!

But I wanted to see if you can give me advice on how to change the color for the Top Header (where you choose language, currency etc.) ?

The dark color is not working for the look we're working on and I would like to make it transparent to blend with the website itself.

Any suggestions would be well appreciated!


We have a website that has 5 main-categories setup as drop-down in Mega Menu.

One of our main-categories (configured as "List" in Mega Menu settings) has 25 sub-categories in it that views as drop-down if you hover over the main-category.

Our problem is that the drop-down list can't show all 25 sub-categories when hovering over the main-category...Not unless I zoom out the website itself in my browser..

Is there a way to be able to view all 25 sub-categories when hovering over the main one?

For example scrolling down the list or something better?

4 years ago


Can you tell me how I could make the letters be bigger or bolder?

5 years ago

Valentin wrote:

Hello again, OTH,

you can just open the above-mentioned file and replace its contents with the code I gave you here.
However, it will not make the availability status look any different.
It will just add the mentioned classes to the element depending on - if the product has quantity or not.
You then need to use these classes to add some custom styling in your theme`s Custom Head Styles section, for your elements e.g.:

.is-in-stock {
   color: green;

.is-out-of-stock {
   color: red;

Hope this clarifies things a bit.

This works perfectly, thank you very much!