
change product image based on color

one year ago
#22131 Quote
  • 1
We're working in Nop 3.9. Is it possible to display the correct color of the product, based on which color has been chosen on the filter? Meaning it should display the image color red if the color red has been chosen.

I'm a developer, I just need a heads up in which files to update.

Looking forward for an answer.
one year ago
#22139 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1570
andreasp wrote:
We're working in Nop 3.9. Is it possible to display the correct color of the product, based on which color has been chosen on the filter? Meaning it should display the image color red if the color red has been chosen.

I'm a developer, I just need a heads up in which files to update.

Looking forward for an answer.

Hi andreasp,

This is not possible as there could be multiple colors selected not just one.
Regards, Team