
Can't change tab's names

10 years ago
#3604 Quote
  • 11
Hello! I can't change names of default tabs.
Trying to change in language localization (strings - SevenSpikes.NopQuickTabs.Client.Tabs.Description, SevenSpikes.NopQuickTabs.Client.Tabs.Specifications), but they still heve default values.

But when I changed string "SevenSpikes.NopQuickTabs.Client.Tabs.Reviews" - it was changed.
Nop version 3.0. Installed NopPlugin collection
10 years ago
#3608 Quote
  • 1570
shvager87 wrote:
Hello! I can't change names of default tabs.
Trying to change in language localization (strings - SevenSpikes.NopQuickTabs.Client.Tabs.Description, SevenSpikes.NopQuickTabs.Client.Tabs.Specifications), but they still heve default values.

But when I changed string "SevenSpikes.NopQuickTabs.Client.Tabs.Reviews" - it was changed.
Nop version 3.0. Installed NopPlugin collection

Hi shvager87,

The only reason I see is that the settings are cached and that's why you don't see them changed. If you have changed them as described in this video then you should have the new values when you restart nopCommerce for example.

Regards, Team