
nopCommerce 2.65 with nopTemplates Electronic Theme extremely slow.

10 years ago
#3192 Quote
  • 3
Hi is the site. The pages requires 7-10 seconds to load.

If I restart the application, for 2-5 minutes the site is fast. i tried to install a clean nopCommerce, attach to same database and site is fast.

The CPU go around 98%.

Any ideas? (on nopCommerce support there are my posts:
10 years ago
#3193 Quote
  • 3
There are some tasks launched from nopElectronic theme?
10 years ago
#3194 Quote
  • 1570
Aladino1971 wrote:
There are some tasks launched from nopElectronic theme?

Hi Aladino1971,

What happens if you just switch to the default nopCommerce theme in 2.65. Is it still slow?
I am trying to figure out what might be causing the CPU usage and why it is slow.
The Electronics theme itself could not slow down your web site but it could be some of the plugins that causes issues. It is strange how the site is fast for some time and then it is not. Usually the site is slow after a restart till everything is cached and later it is faster but in your case you are saying it is the opposite.
Please try to disable the Ajax Filters for example or the Smart SEO plugin (if enabled) to see if this makes any difference.

Regards, Team
10 years ago
#3197 Quote
  • 3
Switch to the default nopCommerce theme the site is still slow.

But CPU is around 100% also with "Store closed" mode activated. It seem a task launched that slows down the server.

I disabled Ajax filters and Smart SEO Plugin but there are not differences. These plugin launches some tasks?

Thanks for your reply!
10 years ago
#3198 Quote
  • 1570
Hi Aladino1971,

None of our plugins is implemented as a task. The plugins are executed only when requested i.e Filters are run only on category pages. Actually we have a plugin that has a scheduled task but it is available only for nopCommerce 2.8 and higher - Nop Customer Reminders.
Go to System -> Schedule Task and disable all tasks to see if any of them is causing the 100% CPU.
If the store is closed then it should be something else that consumes the CPU on the machine.

Hope this helps!
Regards, Team