
Nop ajax filter always render result as 3 product box per grid line and quick view hover

10 years ago
#2541 Quote
  • 9

-I have configured the catalog listing in public store to show 4 product box per grid line in grid view
by changing the following code  @(Html.DataList7Spikes<ProductOverviewModel>(Model.Products,3,
                    @<div class="item-box">
                        @Html.Partial("_ProductBox", item)
in CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml

to @(Html.DataList7Spikes<ProductOverviewModel>(Model.Products,4,
                    @<div class="item-box">
                        @Html.Partial("_ProductBox", item)
when I first click on a category it shows 4 product per grid line as expected but when using the ajax filters like the price specs or attributes it then shows 3 product box per line even if the search result return more than 4 products

How can I solve this problem

- I have manage to configure the catalog in public store so when clients hover a image it will change to another one how can I leave the quick view but instead of showing it on hover I want it to always be shown like for example in place of the add cart button

10 years ago
#2545 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1570
Hass wrote:

-I have configured the catalog listing in public store to show 4 product box per grid line in grid view ...

You need to do the same changes in the Ajax Filters by modifying this file:

Hass wrote:

- I have manage to configure the catalog in public store so when clients hover a image it will change to another one how can I leave the quick view but instead of showing it on hover I want it to always be shown like for example in place of the add cart button

The Quick View buttons are added from the QuickView.min.js file. So you need to modify this file but I am not sure that this will be easy as now the Quick View button is added on mouseenter and is removed on mouseleave.

Hope this information is useful!
Regards, Team