
No carousel title for Manufacturers?

5 years ago
#14730 Quote
  • 45
I’m trying to put a carousel on my front page showing a list of our manufacturers, but for some reason when I choose manufacturers as the data source type, there is no carousel title or navigation arrows displayed. If I change the data source to any other source, the title bar comes up. 

Bug or...?
5 years ago
#14734 Quote
  • 172
bcdiesel wrote:
I’m trying to put a carousel on my front page showing a list of our manufacturers, but for some reason when I choose manufacturers as the data source type, there is no carousel title or navigation arrows displayed. If I change the data source to any other source, the title bar comes up. 

Bug or...?

Greetings bcdiesel,

are you using some of our themes or are you using just the plugin?

In your admin panel when you go to Nop-templates -> Plugins -> JCarousel -> Manage Carousels and then click Edit on your Manufacturers carousel, you will see two checkboxes - Arrows navigation and Show title.

If these two checkboxes aren't checked then the arrows and the title will not show.

If you check these two and they still don't show then you need to submit a ticket and include a link and admin credentials for your site in it.

Please do not post your credentials here because other users will be able to see them, too.
Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov