
Footer changes

5 years ago
#14564 Quote
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i would like to change some settings in the footer menu. How i can change in the Payment options section the icons? I would like remove Amex and Paypal or all and replace it with SEPA.

The same i have with the follow us section. I would replace twitter with xing or linkedin.

Best Regards,
5 years ago
#14566 Quote
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Peppi wrote:

i would like to change some settings in the footer menu. How i can change in the Payment options section the icons? I would like remove Amex and Paypal or all and replace it with SEPA.

The same i have with the follow us section. I would replace twitter with xing or linkedin.

Best Regards,

Greetings Giuseppe,

to achieve this you need to go in your file explorer to this location:

~ Presentation\Nop.Web\Themes\Emporium\Views\Shared\Components\Footer

and open the Default.cshtml in your text editor.

Then go to line 94 and you will see this code:

<img src="@Url.Content("~/Themes/Emporium/Content/img/pay_icon1.png")" alt="" />
<img src="@Url.Content("~/Themes/Emporium/Content/img/pay_icon2.png")" alt="" />
<img src="@Url.Content("~/Themes/Emporium/Content/img/pay_icon3.png")" alt="" />
<img src="@Url.Content("~/Themes/Emporium/Content/img/pay_icon6.png")" alt="" />

These are your payment options icons. You need to keep the first line, the other three you can delete. Save the file.
Then you need a SEPA logo image which is about the same size as the current icons (48px x 30px), rename the file like so - pay_icon1.png. Have in mind that if your logo is not a .png file you need to change the file extension in the above-mentioned line of code, too.

Then go to:

~ Presentation\Nop.Web\Themes\Emporium\Content\img

and replace the existing pay_icon1.png file with your new image.

That is all.

Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov
5 years ago
#14597 Quote
  • 8
Hi Valentin,

thank's for your help, i get it.

Do you also know how to change the social icons? This looks some more complicated.
5 years ago
#14600 Quote
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  • 172
Peppi wrote:
Hi Valentin,

thank's for your help, i get it.

Do you also know how to change the social icons? This looks some more complicated.

Greetings Giuseppe,

you cannot change the social icons, you can only choose which ones to show or not. The icons themselves are part of the theme-icon-font and changing their appearance would require a lot of customization on the theme files and the styling.

If you are not familiar with icon-fonts and how to use them it's best if you don't try to change them.
Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov