
Hide all products from filter that are not viable for the search

6 years ago
#14377 Quote
  • 41

is there any way possible to to not show the all the non-viable options from the filter, when you have one filter active
For example

If i have the Author Stephen king as filter one
I do not want to see all options on the filter that do not apply to that search in
So remove the greyed out options from the filter search
6 years ago
#14379 Quote
  • 172
Freddy1234 wrote:

is there any way possible to to not show the all the non-viable options from the filter, when you have one filter active
For example

If i have the Author Stephen king as filter one
I do not want to see all options on the filter that do not apply to that search in
So remove the greyed out options from the filter search


you can achieve that by adding the following code to your Custom Head Styles section:

.filtersGroupPanel li.disabled {
     display: none;
Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov