
Slider in Topic Page

7 years ago
#12197 Quote
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How can I had a slider in a specific topic page?
7 years ago
#12203 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 389
sermar wrote:
How can I had a slider in a specific topic page?


This requires a little bit of customizing the code in the views as currently there is no logic for knowing in which widget zone we are.

You have to open the /Views/Topic/TopicDetails.cshtml view and find the "page-body" element. In its end add the following code:
@if (Model.SystemName == "YOUR_TOPIC_SYSTEM_NAME")

Just replace the YOUR_TOPIC_SYSTEM_NAME with the system name of your topic.

Now go to this file: /Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders/SupportedWidgetZones.xml and following the xml structure add this row:

Now go to the administration and Restart Application.

Then go to the Anywhere Sliders plugin administration and create a slider in the same widget zone.

This is it! Now you will have the slider only in the specific topic!
Best Regards,
Mladen Staykov