
how to remove the input billing address in the basket?

8 years ago
#10070 Quote
  • 41
how to remove the input billing address in the basket? Thenks.
8 years ago
#10071 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 347

You can disable it from the administration -> Configuration -> Settings -> Order Settings -> Disable Billing Address Step.

Note: This does not work for guest customers. If some of your customers attempt to checkout as guests they will see the billing address form, because of the way the disabling of the billing address works.
We always set some billing address, although the customer may not be required to fill it. Because the guest customers does not have addresses, there is nothing we can set for default billing address and that is why the billing form is required when the customer that is attempting to checkout is guest.

Hope this helps!
Iliyan Tanev
Nop-Templates Dev Team