
Double Category Descriptions

11 years ago
#1362 Quote
  • 2
First I would like to say thank you for updating the Electronics Theme and adding the Mega Menu and Forum options to the Header Menu.

However after the update of the Electronics Theme(Electronics Theme version download 06/10/2012 Version 2.6.5),I have now double Category Descriptions in all Categories.
Can you please provide a solution for this issue and short comment how this fix has to be installed.

A quick solution would be appreciated.

Thank you,

11 years ago
#1368 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
Hi Mike,

Thank you for your observation. The category description did appear twice. We have fixed that. In order to integrate the fix you can either download the latest theme from your My Account section and replace the ~/Themes/Electronics/Views/Catalog/CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml file with the one from the package or just open it in a text editor and remove the following lines:

line: 74 @*description*@
         @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Description))
            <div class="category-description-7Spikes">
line: 80 }

Hope that helps!

Please let us know if you find any difficulties.