
J Caroussel Integration

11 years ago
#1154 Quote
  • 104
Hi Guys,

I am working on the Jcaroussel integration.It is a very very nice widget. I am using Category Feature Products and I pick some products randomly from  certain categories. Other that Homepage feature products, recently view, manufacturer, I am not able to get any data into the Jcaroussel. I tested also Manufacturer Feature products as well and I have the same result..

Any advice ?

Best Regards

11 years ago
#1155 Quote
  • 269
ylechasseur wrote:
Hi Guys,

I am working on the Jcaroussel integration.It is a very very nice widget. I am using Category Feature Products and I pick some products randomly from  certain categories. Other that Homepage feature products, recently view, manufacturer, I am not able to get any data into the Jcaroussel. I tested also Manufacturer Feature products as well and I have the same result..

Any advice ?

Best Regards


Hi Yves,

Some of the predefined datasources in the JCarousel plugin do not work on every page. For example the Related Products data source works only on the product page, Manufacturer Featured Products works only on manufacturer page, Category Featured Products works only on a category page and so on.

We created the plugin this way, because for this datasources and some others we need productId, categoryId or manufacturerId in order to get the data. And there are no ids on the home page for example.

I hope that this answers your question.

If you have more questions, please do not hesitate and ask.

Have a wonderful day!

Ivan Stoyanov
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!
11 years ago
#1158 Quote
  • 104
Hi Ivan,

Thanks a lot for the answer and it makes sense. I'll try other things for my home page. BTW, I have the same problem as Joster in the Forum page . It seems that the CSS are not read for this page ..

have a nice once

11 years ago
#1172 Quote
  • 104
More questions...

I included the Jcaroussel in the 2.65 version and deployed it. It is very nice and very powerful, I like it a lot.

I have 2  questions:

1. It is too long from the admin panel to select in a certain category feature products. So, I want to write a small apps who will randomly select a certain amount of products in a category to tag them as feature product.  I had the impression it was the table Product_Category_Mapping where nopcommerce was saving the category feature product. It seems that it is not this one, can you tell me the right table name who hold the category feature product ?

2. I Changed the Skin 3 (for vertical) and the Skin 4 (ajust colors and some minor changes) for 2 Caroussels. I have one for the best sellers (vertical for the right column in home page and all pages) and the other one only for Feature Products into Category . When I put the 2 caroussels in function, the Category Feature Product  used the CSS of the Vertical one for the Text Header. I certainly did something wrong again .. (

Thanks a lot and have a nice day

11 years ago
#1173 Quote
  • 269
ylechasseur wrote:
More questions...

I included the Jcaroussel in the 2.65 version and deployed it. It is very nice and very powerful, I like it a lot.

I have 2  questions:

1. It is too long from the admin panel to select in a certain category feature products. So, I want to write a small apps who will randomly select a certain amount of products in a category to tag them as feature product.  I had the impression it was the table Product_Category_Mapping where nopcommerce was saving the category feature product. It seems that it is not this one, can you tell me the right table name who hold the category feature product ?

2. I Changed the Skin 3 (for vertical) and the Skin 4 (ajust colors and some minor changes) for 2 Caroussels. I have one for the best sellers (vertical for the right column in home page and all pages) and the other one only for Feature Products into Category . When I put the 2 caroussels in function, the Category Feature Product  used the CSS of the Vertical one for the Text Header. I certainly did something wrong again .. (

Thanks a lot and have a nice day


Hi Yves,

1. You thought correctly, the right table is Product_Category_Mapping.

2. I saw that you are using wrong skin for your horizontal JCarousel. The correct skin is default-3-items. You can use the same skin for horizontal and vertical carousels.
For the styling you shoud use the element class to style the vertical title. Create a new property with the content of:
.carousel_holder h2 {...}
and rename it with
.carousel_holder h2.vertical{...}
Then style the first property for the horizontal carousel and the second for the vertical.

If you have any questions please ask.

Have a greath day!

Ivan Stoyanov
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!
11 years ago
#1182 Quote
  • 104
Hi Ivan,

Thanks a lot, I fixed it and works well.  Also I appreciated the information about the SQL table , that will shorten the dev time

Have a nice weekend
