
Resources over usage

12 years ago
#926 Quote
  • 104
Hi guys,

I received this message form my Internet hosting provider ,do you have an idea?

I don't have access to my site actually   So I don t have a clue where to search( it could be the jscript I am using for the menu)

Any idea will be welcome

Best regards


Envoyé de mon iPad

Le 2012-07-14 à 11:43, "STP Web Hosting, LLC Technical Support" <[email protected]> a écrit :

Hello Yves,

It seems that your installed third party tool or script is outdated. Hence, we request you to upgrade it to the latest version.

Also, make sure that you have closed all database connections from your code. You can verify your code with the help of your web developer/programmer.

Please check and revert back to us with your diagnosis and actions which you have taken at your end..


Sam G.
Technical Leader

12 years ago
#928 Quote
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  • 1044
Hi Yves,

We can see that your web site is now accessible.
Did they tell you what they mean by "third party tool or script"?
Are you using a shared hosting for your web site?
We are asking as we had similar problems with our previous shared hosting. When we started to get more visits on our web site they started to stop it from time to time with  the only explanation that it uses more resources than is allowed for a shared hosting and wanted us to upgrade to a more expensive plan. Now we have a dedicated server and have no problems with our web site.

There is no reason to think that the script you are using for the menu is causing issues on the server as it is executed on the client site and probably doesn't make server requests (in the browser).

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team
12 years ago
#931 Quote
  • 104
Hi Super Support,

I was very mad about my web hosting company. They clse the web site without any king of warning. What is bizarre, it is just after the upgrade at version 2.6. I 'll stop some services to see if it have any impact to try to narrow down. They cam back to me with this:

[1] There is a bug in the web site code
[2] Your website is getting high traffic and your scripts requires more memory and CPU power.

It is going in the same direction as your problem with your web hosting company. I think I'll host it myself .. but I have to find out anyway if something going wrong..

best regards and thanks for your suggestion

12 years ago
#935 Quote
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  • 1044
Hi Yves,

Could you check if the Cache for the Categories Header Menu is enabled.
Your web site has quite a lot of categories, so you should definitely set Enable Cache in the Categories Header Menu settings page in the Administration.

Please let us know if this fixes the problem.

Best Regards,

Nop-Templates Support Team
12 years ago
#937 Quote
  • 104
Hi guys,

Thanks for the remiender and yes it is. You are right I have so much category and it still growing.. I think I'll have to think about a new way to present my menu.. do no yet, but it will be huge .. I still have 30,000 products to go .. a nightmare..

Best regards

12 years ago
#946 Quote
  • 4
Hi Yves,

Are you using shared hosting, VPS or dedicated to run your NOP site? I am interested, as I see you have quite a large number of products and I am wondering what kind of hosting is required to give good performance with the number of products you have.


12 years ago
#947 Quote
  • 104
Hi Joel ,

We are using a share hosting solution.  I don t think all be able to stay with this solution.  I m thinking to host myself the solution.   This way I  won t have the problems I have with my service.

Best regards


12 years ago
#951 Quote
  • 4
Hi Yves,

Yes thats what I have had to do, having around 50,000 products. Still needed some playing around with the get it working ok, but hopefully its performing now - see


12 years ago
#952 Quote
  • 104
Hi Joel,

You did a very nice customizing job. The site is colorful and very clean. About the testimonial section, how was the integration ?

I am looking right now to host myself my stuff. In the mean time, I find an hosting cpy in the states who offers a huge plan (10 x200 megs db, 200 gig space)so I'll move my site there the time being that I'll setup my stuff in my place. Having it local, will be easier to manage. Just have to put the infra and the security in place will be a good job. I think i'll use a Qnap and a Low end Dell Server. I don't know yet what should I purchase as a firewall, what you did ?

Best regards
