
Profile: joellister


User posts

12 years ago

Hi Yves,

Yes thats what I have had to do, having around 50,000 products. Still needed some playing around with the get it working ok, but hopefully its performing now - see



12 years ago

Hi Yves,

Are you using shared hosting, VPS or dedicated to run your NOP site? I am interested, as I see you have quite a large number of products and I am wondering what kind of hosting is required to give good performance with the number of products you have.



Yes, that's fixed it. Down to 2-3 seconds now!!

Many thanks for the quick reply.




I am using the Electronics theme and have upgraded from NOP 2.3 to 2.6.  Since the upgrade I have very slow loading of pages of around 35-45 seconds.  I have both the new site and the old 2.3 version of the site running side by side on the same set of servers (one for web and one for sql database).  The old site runs fine in terms of performance, so I think that this problem is due to the upgrade.  Also if I switch from Electronics theme to either of the default nop themes (classic or Dark Orange) then the pages load much faster. This suggests to me that the problem is the new version of the Electronics theme.

Can you suggest where I should look to solve the performance issue?

Many thanks.
