
Profile: bubli


User posts

I didn't realize that, thanks for explanation. And also thanks for such a fast response!

PS: Mail has just been sent ;-)

I noticed that page load time with Nop Ajax Cart enabled is much longer then it was before so I did some investigation. I found out that the reason is calling GetAddProductToCartAjaxButton action method through AJAX for every product listed on the page. One call takes ~80ms and is performed in serial for all products, resulting in ~1 sec page load lag for catalog page with 12 products (my default).
Result of this call is pretty simple HTML with few input tags, so I'm assuming it can be called using Html.Action (thus saving client <-> server roundtrips) or even better rendered using Html.Partial (saving also ASP.NET MVC request overhead).

Exactly the same problem appears in product details page with multiple variants - NopAjaxCart/GetAddProductVariantToCartAjaxButton action method is called count_of_variants_times

This can give us major performance and UX gain ;-)


11 years ago

Hi guys,
I just wanna ask if mega menu will be also integrated into Fashion theme? That would be cool! :-)


Release cycle
12 years ago

And about merging: I use a tool that is integrated to TortoiseHg.

Release cycle
12 years ago

I mentioned Mercurial mainly because nopCommerce team uses it, as well as myself :-)
The point is, that using any source control management tool for publishing fixes/updates will help us with integrating new versions of your plugins and themes.
Actually,  I have created a repository with source code that comes from provided zip archives. And I created branch with my changes. So when I download new zip archive, I unpack it, commit to "trunk" repository and then merge the changes to my "customizations" branch.
It would be nice if the "trunk" repository was maintained by you, so we can easily retrieve newest updates just by calling "pull/update" command, without need for downloading zip archives, etc...
I'd suggest using some distributed SCM tool (I vote for Mercurial, but git would be equally good) so we can branch/fork/make-pull-request easily ;-)


is there a way how to add product to cart from catalog page if the product has multiple variants? I tried to forcefully set Model.ProductPrice.DisableBuyButton to false so button is always generated, but this shows just one (first) product variant. I'd like to see a list of all variants there.

PS: I'm using Nop Ajax Cart integrated with Nop Fashion Theme (2.6)

Release cycle
12 years ago

I noticed that beside "major" releases that comes with every new version of nopCommerce you also release "minor" releases with bug fixes. Are there release notes available somewhere?
The thing is that now I download the package from this website from time to time and notice that the size of the file changed from previous download. Then I have to perform diff using some tool to find out what actually changed.
What would be REALLY cool if you could publish some kind of SCM repository (preferably Mercurial ;-)) with templates/plugins so we can integrate theese changes easily using well-known tools and operations. (Nowadays it's really hard to integrate the changes especially when I changed provided templates previously)

Anyhow, you are doing great job!

12 years ago

Is there an estimate date when Nop Fashion Theme for nopCommerce 2.6 will be released?


12 years ago

The Nop Cloud Zoom (incorporated into Fashion Theme) does work only in languages with en-US culture. I'm using cs-CZ, but tried it also with de-DE and still no luck. Could you please help me how to fix it?

12 years ago

Ok, thank you ;-)

However, I found another issue.
I did some customization to nopcommerce, so when user adds item to cart, there are more information shown to the user in a popup message, not just "The product has been added to your shopping cart.". This works correctly in classic nopCommerce but it doesn't work in Nop Fashion theme. In Nop Fashion Theme with Nop Ajax Cart enabled. The only message I can see is "The product has been added to your shopping cart.". I performed search and found out that this string is hardcoded in SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart\Scripts\AjaxCart.js file.
I think correct behavior would be that Ajax popup contains (localized) success notifications added in CatalogController.AddToCartProduct method.
