
Profile: SDobrev


User posts

5 years ago


If you are running a multi-language store you will need to change the values per language.

5 years ago


Please submit a ticket and provide admin credentials to your store so we can further investigate this issue.

Thank you!

5 years ago


To change the title of the tab edit the following text resource: "SevenSpikes.NopQuickTabs.Client.Tabs.ContactUs.TabTitle"

Unfortunately, it is not possible to use the Email field for a phone number, because there is Email validation.

5 years ago


Please submit a ticket and provide URL and admin credentials to your site so we can further investigate this issue.

Thank you!

5 years ago


Please check the version of the HTML Widgets and the Core plugin from System -> System Information.
If they are different update the older one to the latest version.

5 years ago


Unfortunately, lazy loading the product images on the catalog pages is not supported by nopCommerce.

You can try to optimize loading of the images by decreasing the image quality or resizing the images from the Media settings.

5 years ago


Unfortunately, there is a problem with integrating Captcha in the Quick Tabs plugin and this is the reason this feature is not implemented in the plugin at the moment.

5 years ago


All of our plugins are depending on the Core plugin so it is recommended all plugins to be the same version as the Core plugin.

However, if you haven't noticed any problems it might be OK to use a higher version of the Core plugin than the other plugins.

5 years ago


The bundling is nopCommerce functionality. Sometimes you have to force the nopCommerce to rebuild the bundles. Saving the theme settings and clearing the nopCommerce cache should recreate the bundle.


The Enable Manufacturers Filter shouldn't affect the infinite scroll functionality.

Please submit a ticket and provide admin credentials so we can investigate this problem.