
Profile: SDobrev


User posts

3 years ago


The panels can be reordered by modifying the NopFilters.cshtml view located in SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxFilters\Views\Components\NopAjaxFilters directory.

On line 174 (version 4.30) are the panels.

        <div class="filtersPanel">

3 years ago


Our view engine is with higher priority and this is the reason why your view is not loaded. You should register your view locations before ours.

3 years ago


The Smart Product Collections plugin is used and this is a category collection. The picture on the right is the category picture.

In the theme documentation, you will find out detailed information on how to configure the plugin.

RTL 4.3 issue
3 years ago


Please submit a ticket and provide more information about the problem.

Thank you!

3 years ago


Please submit a ticket and provide more information - which theme are you using, the exact version of the products.

4 years ago


We have released an updated version of the Ajax Filters with MySQL support.

External Link
4 years ago


Yes, it is possible. There is a Custom Link type menu item.


Please check in the System Log of the nopCommerce. There should be an error logged.

4 years ago


Unfortunately, this is not supported by nopCommerce.

4 years ago


Make sure you are setting the correct topic SeName when you building the URL and try restarting the application from the IIS. Also, you can try to make a simple modification like adding a text in the markup to make sure you are editing the correct file.