
Profile: santoshbpathak


User posts

6 years ago

We have applied nop ajax filter on our live site and it was working fine, but before few days it was not working on one page  and giving error like " Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined TypeError: $(...).attr(...) is undefined in  Filters.min.js file" in browser console.  

Page url is "" on which it shows error.

Need help to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Refer these Screenshots :

6 years ago

We have applied nop ajax filter on our live site and it was working fine, but before few days it was not working on one page  and giving error like "TypeError: $(...).attr(...) is undefined[Learn More] in  Filters.min.js file" in browser

console.  Page url is "" on which it shows error. Need help to resolve this issue as soon as possible.