
Profile: joster


User posts

10 years ago

Gosh I hate that it's always me reporting what turn out to not really be bugs...

Anyway.. here goes...

It is very strange.

Since updating to 3.20, images displayed throughout my site are stretched to 100% width, regardless if I have width and height defined. Product images aren't affected, but if the product description contains an img reference, that image is stretched to the full width of it's container.
(example: )

All images on my topic pages are stretched to 100% width as well..

All images on my nopArticles plugin-generated pages are affected as well:

I assume this is something wrong in the alfresco stylesheet since it affects all these things, but I don't know what...


10 years ago

Support wrote:


I feel stupid for not noticing this until worked fine back when we were using the Fashion theme, but then we switched to Alfresco. We are now running 3.10 with the 3.10 Alfresco responsive theme.

I've got Captcha enabled in my general settings >> security, however, the captcha is not appearing on any of the forms that I have it enabled for???  Oh...and when a new customer tries to register, it says the text didn't match the if it IS being displayed..

What might cause this problem?


Hi Steve,

Can you please send us a link to your site, so that we can have a look at the issue. We have checked in version 3.10 and 3.20 of the Nop Alfresco Theme and the Captcha is displayed correctly. You can have a look at our demo which is running version 3.2. I have checked in version 3.10 and the Captcha is displayed in the same way.

Looking forward to your reply!

Best Regards!


Our development site is located here:

Well..I remembered that we actually changed IP addresses not long I went and generated some new reCaptcha public and private keys and it's working again...sorry to bother you!


10 years ago

IvanStoyanov wrote:

I've been trying out Anywhere Slider and it's been working just fine.

I do want to show a slider on a specific Topic page. The documentation does tell me how to create a custom widget zone on a layout, etc. So if I wanted a slider to appear on each Topic page, I could do that.

But is there a way to show a slider on a specific Topic page?

Hi swinstead,

Sadly, nopCommerce does not have the functionality to add script or razor code to topics. To accomplish this you need to modify the /Views/Topic/TopicBlock.cshtml view.
Find the following code:

<div class="topic-html-content-body">

and modify it to look like this:

<div class="topic-html-content-body">
            @if (Model.SystemName == "YourTopicName")

You need to replace YourTopicName with the system name of the topic, in which you want to add the custom widget zone and custom_widget_zone with the name of your custom widget zone. You can do this for as many widget zones or topics as you like.

After this follow the documentation on how to add a custom widget zone and add the widget zone to the SupportedWidgetZones.xml file.


Ivan Stoyanov

Hello Ivan-

I followed these instruction to add a custom widget to one of my topic pages and am having much trouble with it. Here is the code I put on the topicblock.cshtml:

       <div class="topic-html-content-body">
            @if (Model.SystemName == "About")

I then added the supported widget zone to the nopAnywhereSliders plugin as described.

It absolutely will not render my widget on the About topic page, but I can adjust my code, for example, to this:

       <div class="topic-html-content-body">
            @if (Model.SystemName == "HomePageText")

...and on the index page of my website, where the HomePageText widget is defined, my custom widget renders just like it should....but not if I switch it back to "About"

I've also tried changing the code to another condition that I know what the result will be (comparing the Title) and it still won't appear...

       <div class="topic-html-content-body">
            @if (Model.Title == "About Us")

(scratching my head.....)


10 years ago


I feel stupid for not noticing this until worked fine back when we were using the Fashion theme, but then we switched to Alfresco. We are now running 3.10 with the 3.10 Alfresco responsive theme.

I've got Captcha enabled in my general settings >> security, however, the captcha is not appearing on any of the forms that I have it enabled for???  Oh...and when a new customer tries to register, it says the text didn't match the if it IS being displayed..

What might cause this problem?


10 years ago

Support wrote:

There should be no Views folder in the Themes/Alfresco folder. The views used by the plugin are present in the main Views folder. So you need to upgrade the whole plugin and then merge your changes in the megamenu.cshtml. The megamenuresponsive.cshtml had been removed, as the plugin had been refactored for easier upgrade and less views.

Ahhh...this is a nice improvement! Much simpler.


10 years ago

Support wrote:

I have the Alfresco responsive theme and am wondering if I can download the theme and JUST replace the megamenu plugins folder in order to take advantage of this new addition to the megamenu. I'm not really interested in updating the entire theme if not necessary...


Hi Joster,

Yes you can download and update just the Nop Mega Menu plugin following the article on How to update a plugin to its latest version for a given nopCommerce version

Hope that helps!

Hello again-

I carefully followed the instructions, and got the new megamenu installed, however, I noticed while unpacking the Alfresco theme zip file that within the /themes/alfresco/ folder (and other theme folders inside the megamenu plugin folder), there is no /views/  folder...only /content/

I copy/pasted in my old views and that seemed to work, until I noticed that one of the menu items in my modified megamenu.cshtml and megamenuresponsive.cshtml no longer appears on the pages. It's like the "standard" megamenu views are being displayed even though I have others in the themes/alfresco/views/ folder...

I think there Is a problem with the current download package for the alfresco theme's megamenu plugin...

10 years ago


I have the Alfresco responsive theme and am wondering if I can download the theme and JUST replace the megamenu plugins folder in order to take advantage of this new addition to the megamenu. I'm not really interested in updating the entire theme if not necessary...



Does there happen to be any way in the Alfresco theme to assign specific colors to various navigation buttons and possible pages? We are hoping to use colors to designate different areas of the website if possible (just a rough example: Any information or feedback is appreciated.


10 years ago

Hello again-

I'm reporting a styling issue with the Alfresco theme in which, when viewing the site at mobile device size, causes the Buy Now button to be mostly obscured by the product images.

If you squish the page down to mobile device size, you'll see that the Buy Now Button is mostly covered by the product photo and cannot be clicked.


10 years ago


I just noticed today that the customer's shipment details view has no styling defined.

