
Profile: violabg


User posts

9 years ago

When I use a jscarousel on the home_page_top, I get this error, only on safari:

Error: jCarousel: No width/height set for items. This will cause an infinite loop. Aborting...
SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.JCarousel/Scripts/jquery.jcarousel.min.js line 254

9 years ago

on MY ACCOUNT - CUSTOMER INFO page, when you look it in a mobile browser, the "my account" panel doesn't open to show the list of available option 

9 years ago

Hi, I still see problem with Item box hover effect: "hover-effect-2"  on iPad, the compare button and add to cart button are misaligned.
Always on iPad, Shopping cart page still see all buttons without style, the appear as webkit buttons. Same for "go to cart" button on 2just added to your cart" popup.

9 years ago

Shopping cart page and registration page, all buttons are not styled on iPad 

9 years ago

Item box hover effect: hover-effect-2 not showing properly on iPad

9 years ago

Mega menu (mobile) doesn't change style when switching color preset.

9 years ago

SHOPPING CART page "Country" and "State" selects are not styled in safari

9 years ago

My account "date of birth" selects are not styled in safari

9 years ago

Contact page "Submit" button don't change style when switching color preset.
Same for Manufacture page, "title"

9 years ago

It would be nice if we could insert our own color preset for the theme.