
Profile: YashChandra


User posts

12 years ago

No, it is per domain license. You can use it on one production web site.

12 years ago


You get it for free. In fact all updates one year since your purchase.

12 years ago


If you are talking about nopCommerce Product Attributes or Specification Attributes the answer is a definite Yes.
As to the dropdown list, this will be in the new version of the filters. The store owner will be able to switch from checkboxes to dropdown controls and vice versa.

This version of the filters we plan to release next week. But please bear in mind that the price would probably be higher than the current one, as the new version will contain a couple of new things.
However all our existing customers will get the upgrade for free as per our license agreement, the filters come with one year of free upgrades.

Hope this helps! Let us know if you need more information.

12 years ago

Can we have a look at your installation and if possible source code?

Our skype name is:

Please let us know when we can talk?


12 years ago

The Include Products from Subcategories means include products from immediate subcategories. If your products are in categories further down (2 or more levels) they would not be taken into consideration.
Could this be the case?

12 years ago


Yes this is our code and I believe it is in the filters too.
Please go the administration of the filters again and check the Include Products from Subcategories setting.

12 years ago

Please go to the administration settings of the filters and make sure that the different filters are enabled.

If they are enabled but still not showing this means that there are no products in the category your are viewing. Is this the case?

If not let us know.


12 years ago

Hi Dave,

Did you copy and install the SevenSpikes.Core folder and plugin too?

The method that it is complaining about is in the SevenSpikes.Core.

Please let us know.


12 years ago

Looking at your web site and the example you have included, I can say that the problem is this line:

var $div = $('.specificationFilterGroupPanel');

Here your are selecting all specification groups (inspect the $div and you will see three elements there) and you should be selecting only the one that is under the element that is being clicked.

So on document.ready you should hook click events to all the <div class="title"> elements (I believe this where you want your click events to be intercepted).
In the click handler for the event you should have something like this:

var $div = $(this).siblings('.specificationFilterGroupPanel');

This will get you the specificationFilterGroupPanel only for the currently clicked specification group.

Hope this helps!

12 years ago


In the SpecificationFilter\Styles\DarkOrange\SpecificationFilter.css file there four styles:

1. .specificationFilterPanel7Spikes .specificationFilterGroupPanel a.filterItemUnselected

2. .specificationFilterPanel7Spikes .specificationFilterGroupPanel a.filterItemSelected

3. .specificationFilterPanel7Spikes .specificationFilterGroupPanel a.filterItemSelectedDisabled

4. .specificationFilterPanel7Spikes .specificationFilterGroupPanel a.filterItemDisabled

Basically the filters work in the following way.

If an item is relevant but not selected it has the filterItemUnSelected style.
If the item is selected and still relevant it has the filterItemSelected style.
If the item is selected but a subsequent selection from another specificationFilterGroupPanel makes it irrelevant it has the filterItemSelectedDisabled style.
If the item is unselected but a selection from another specificationFilterGroupPanel makes it irrelevant it has the filterItemDisabled style.

So you can edit the filteItemSelectedDisabled and filterItemDisabled styles to have display: none so that all disabled items will not be visible.

Are you certain that you want the user not to see what items are being disabled by their current selection, because this might turn out to be confusing to the user? You can see here what I mean here by clicking on the AMD option. Or by clicking AMD, then Itel, then 3GB.

Anyways, let us know how you are getting on with your work. If you need further assistance please let us know!
