
Profile: IvanSlater


User posts

9 years ago

Ok, thanks.

But when I click the scroll bar or buttons, it desapears. How can I handle that?


9 years ago

Is possible to have a scroll to display all results returned?


9 years ago

Ok, I did it with some JS hacks.



9 years ago

Thank you! I fixed the CSS and now it is working, but I need two more helps!

1- The ajax content for .qty came like this: (1) or (2), etc, How can I remove the brackets?

2- Is possible to have order total returned, too? I need it.


9 years ago

The mini cart is ok. The problem is my topcartlink div.
I have made some customization. Can you help modify the ajaxcart.js to get it done?


<div id="topcartlink">
    <div class="cart-title"></div>
    <div class="cart-qty">
        <div class="text-wrapper">
            <a href="/cart"><span class="qty">3</span><span class="text">item(s)</span><br /><span class="total"><b>$ 35,70</b></span></a>

9 years ago

How can I update mini cart information after added product to the cart?

The mini cart is updated only if page is refreshed.


9 years ago

Hi, how can I make the menu appears to the left side of menu item, when mouse over?

I mean, Im not using fullWidth CSS attribute, I have set a min-width for my menus, but when they are close to the right side of screen, they appear cutted, beyond right margin, so I want that menu itens display inverted, to the left side of screen.

Help, please.


9 years ago

Ok! Thanks.

Another point. Is there a way to choose what category will have picture and subcategories showed and have all others as simple list?

My ideia is, have like 8 main choosen categories, with their first featured product as category picture and a column list of all others less important catogories below, on bottom of menu.

Can u help?

9 years ago

Is there a way to get them back? Or access them from view? I want to show the first featured product pictured and link replacing category image, so I can get more focus on desired products.