
User posts

10 years ago


In the Jewelry theme, is it possible to create a second contact us form with additional fields.

I would like to create a "Request a product" tab in the Header menu, and once clicked it takes you too a contact us form with pre defined fields, where a customer can fill in all the details of the product he is looking for, and I can respond back to the customer via the email he specified to confirm if I can get the item for him.

How can this be done?


10 years ago


In the Jewelry theme, is it possible to add an additional drop down menu in the Header Menu

I would like to add a tab called "How to", and once clicked it brings out the menu where I have topics like track your order, My rewards Points, My account etc.

How can this be done?


10 years ago

In the Jewelry theme, is there any way I can change the Sort by order.

By Default it is set to "Position"

I need to change this to "Price : Low to High"


10 years ago

I am using the Jewelry template but would like to add additional tabs to the Header menu.

Currently I have the Home Page, Products, Manufacturers, forums, About us and Contact us, but would like to add additional tabs such as Specials, Best sellers, etc so that when you click on them they display all the products on promotion, or all the best selling products.

How do I add these tabs to the header menu?
