
Profile: pvinit


User posts

iliyan.tanev wrote:

You could pass it using something like:

You need to give it a viewMode, orderBy and pageNumber parameters so it could work properly.

Hope this helps.


Hi, But I'm still waiting for your update as the above does not work!

Please advise.

iliyan.tanev wrote:

I would suggest after you disable "Allow customers to select page size" to give it a "Page size" that would be the default page size and it will be used in all cases, with or without filter.

You could hide "view all" link by imlementing some kind of custom JavaScript logic applied to the click event handler.


Hi, not sure what you mean. Can you explain with more details..

If I disable "Allow customers to select page size", then I would not able to give page size options like this.. 10,1000.

Also not sure how to implement custom logic to hide. Can you give me some idea on this as well?

I will check. Moreover, how can I modify template's product table html markup to match with my custom product table markup?

Hi, Thanks for your response. but this doesn't work. After I apply a filter page is back with pagination.

Moreover, I want to hide View all link when this link is clicked and page is loaded with all products.

Pls help.


How can I load all products on single page without pagination? With an optional pagination.

To do this I have added a page size of 10,1000. And hide the paging option dropdown. Note that none of category is having more than 1000 products.

So Now page loads with page size of 10 products. To remove pagination, I just need to load page with page of 1000 products, for the same I am thinking of adding a link / button. So in URL we can pass query string for the same. However, with your plugin enabled, I'm not sure how to do this.

Please advise.


How can I add product pictures/ image with products in customer remainder plugin with the product details?

Please Suggest.

10 years ago
Why there are 2 NEW ribbons visible on the  product.

Please reply

Thank you in advance

Thank you for reply

i already set values in category - 6,1000

i don't want to select pageSize from dropdown, i want to change pageSize by url

When i change url it don't work
in url i just change pagesize values rest parameter are as it is.

but when page load url not getting my new value(which i entered manually) it takes that old value which is by default.

how to stop this, i mean how to i allow my manual enter value.
