
Profile: lllambias


User posts

5 years ago

Hi, I have nopCommerce installed with several stores running other nop-templates themes (Motion and Allure). Mega Menu works ok with them. I have just created a new store with Poppy theme, and when creating a menu for that store it is not displayed. Tried using a menu that works on other store, and it is not displayed either. No error logged. When I disable mega menu and enable nop menu to display Home, Contacts, Main categories, etc. nop menu is displayed correctly.

NopCommerce version 3.9
Poppy theme version: SevenSpikes.Theme.Poppy, Version=3.9.425.23986
Mega Menu version: SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu, Version=3.9.425.23986

Any ideas?
