
Profile: hanz


User posts

8 years ago

Cool, thanks a lot!

8 years ago


How can I display more then 3 categories in one row on the homepage (@Html.Action("HomepageCategories", "Catalog") ?

In 980 css I found the .home-page-category-grid .item-box, 
.sub-category-grid .item-box,

where I can edit the width of the boxes, but I want to show 5 or six categories in one row.

8 years ago

Hi Hristian,

Thanks for your reply. My mistake, I placed it in the wrong forum. I'm talking about Ajax Filters plugin.

What I mean is following: I have a few products, for instance sweater 1, sweater 2 and sweater 3

I have for instance 2 specifications:

style (men, women, kids)
color (red, white, blue)

Suppose I have the categories:
Home - teamwear - sweaters
Home - women - sweaters

In the first category I want both filters (style and color) to be visible 
In the second category I do not need the filter style, (since it's a category for women), so I only want to filter on colors there.

So basically what I want is a setting to disable specific filters per category. Hope it's more clear so, if not please let me know.

8 years ago

It would be nice to have the ability to disable certain filters for a specific category.

Suppose I have the categories:

Hoem - teamwear - sweaters
Home - women - sweaters

I have products that I want to show up in both categories.

In the first category I want to filter on style (men/women/kids) and on colors
In the second category I don't want to filter on style and only want to see the color filter.


I have a question about the ajax filters. What is best practice considering performance for NC 2.8. Filter manufacturers by setting up manufacturing attributes or enable the manufacturs filter option in the Ajax Filters settings (which filters from the nop manufacturers tables) ?

I'm asking this since I used to add the manufacturer as an attribute fot each product. It saves time if I can skip that. When I now enable the manufacturs filter option, I get 2 manufacturer filter blocks so I have to decide what to do. Remove all manufacturer attributes or disable the manufacturs filter option,

Thanks for any advice!

11 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your reply. If I understand well, I need to pass the id's of the products I'd like to show in the JCaroussel to the ProductOverviewModel.

So I tried:

@Html.Action("JCarousel", "JCarousel", new {carouselName = "Winter 2012", productModels = "1667,1668,1669"})

where `Winter 2012` is the caroussel name and the id`s are the product is`s I`d like to show in the caroussel. This gives no errors, but nothing happens.

I also tried like:  productModels = 1667,1668,1669 and 1667;1668;1669 etc but receive errors then.

Can you please tell me in detail what to do when I want to show the product id's 1667,1668,1669 in the custom data source caroussel ?


11 years ago


How and where exactly do I pass " IEnumerable<ProductOverviewModel> "  

I tried to add:

@Html.Action("JCarousel", "JCarousel", new {carouselName = "Custom Data Source", productModels = Model.CustomProductModels})*@

to index.cshtml in electr/views/home/ but receive an error.

I changed the name Custom Data Source to the system name I gave in admin, but I gues that's not the way to do it.

Thanks for any help!

11 years ago


How can I define certain products to make use of the Customdatasource in the SevenSpikes.JCarousel.Admin.Settings.DataSourceType section ?

Thanks in advance!