
Profile: shayt


User posts

10 years ago


i am using several plugins (Nop Ultimate Plugin Collection),
and my custom CSS is getting loaded BEFORE the plugin's CSS,
so when i want to overwrite some things, i need to put " !important " in my CSS which is not a very good practice.

can i have my custom CSS loaded after the plugin's CSS ??

i want to be clear, i am NOT talking about nop default "styles.rtl.css",
i am talking about PLUGIN css.


11 years ago

my mistake, it works great.

11 years ago

i think there is a bug with tier prices and QuickView plugin.

i have a product that costs 7$
tier prices :
+2 : 5$
+3 : 4$
+4 : 3.5$
+5 : 3$

when i buy 1 item, the price i need to pay is 3$
when i buy 2 items, the price i need to pay, for each one is 3.5$

both are wrong.

please check.


11 years ago

the only problem right now,
that i need to give the carousel ALL the products, and only then i choose 10 random

so i think the performance might be damaged
because i needed to define 9999 in "Maximum number of items".


11 years ago

and this is the code regarding the rating.

Ron Palmer - thank you very much for sharing your code.

in the nopQuickTabs plugin folder navigate to the themes, select the theme you are using, then go to views > ProductTab> _ProductReviews.cshtml

Create a variable "int ReviewCount = Model.Items.Count;" under "int ratingPercent = review.Rating * 20;"
and then under <div style="width: @(ratingPercent)%"></div> add the following code.


@*hidden microdata info*@
                                  decimal ratingValue = ratingPercent / (decimal)20;
                            <meta itemprop="ratingValue" style="display:none;" content="@ratingValue.ToString("0.0", new CultureInfo("en-US"))">
                          <span itemprop="reviewCount" style="display:none;">@ReviewCount</span>

11 years ago

i did a little hard-coded until it will be official.
and it assume that the first tab is full description
and the second is review
and no third tab.

@foreach (var pair in divs)
                if (@pair.Key == "tabs-description")
                    <div id="@pair.Key" itemprop="description">
                    <div id="@pair.Key" itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="">

11 years ago


i want to add a support for rich snippets / microdata with vocabulary

and i follow the changes in -

but in files :
Views/Catalog/ProductTemplate.SingleVariant.cshtml, line 89
Views/Catalog/ProductTemplate.VariantsInGrid.cshtml, line 63

there is a change for the full description, and this line is in comment because of QuickTabs.
so i guess i need to change the code of QuickTabs,
please explain what i need to change.


11 years ago


i would like to suggest a way to show RANDOM products,
the only problem in my way i will show below, that i did it for all the carousels, and i did some hard-coded values
so maybe you could implement it in a more correct way.

i added ALL my products to home page feature products,
and in the JCarousel.cshtml i did the following changes -

the code is too long, so i will just show the specific line i changed -

@if (Model.Items.Count > 0)
    var RandItemsCount = 10;
    var RandItems = Model.Items.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(RandItemsCount);  
    var skin = Model.Settings.Skin;

                vertical: @Model.Settings.CarouselOrientation.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLower(),
                rtl: @supportRtl.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLower(),
                start: @Model.Settings.StartIndex,
                scroll: @Model.Settings.ScrollItems,
                animation: @Html.Raw(animationSpeed),
                auto: @Model.Settings.Autoscroll,
                size: @RandItemsCount @*@Model.Items.Count*@

<ul id="@carouselHtmlElementId" class="jcarousel-skin-@skin">
                @foreach (var item in RandItems @*Model.Items*@)

var jCarouselItemWidth = jQuery(jCarouselItem).css('width');
                    jCarouselItemWidth = jCarouselItemWidth.substring(0, jCarouselItemWidth.length - 2);

                    var itemsInTheCarousel = @RandItemsCount @*@Model.Items.Count*@;

                    var totalWidthOfAllItems = jCarouselItemWidth * itemsInTheCarousel;


i hope you will implement it,
so i could define if i want a carousel with random or not,
and i hard coded 10 products, so please do it dynamically.


11 years ago

Boyko wrote:

We made the JCarousel in the DarkOrange theme to behave the same as the Fashion theme.
Simply download the plugin package again, delete the JCarousel plugin folder from your Plugins folder and add the new one from the package.


now everything is working great.
i think the problem was in my custom CSS

Thank you for the support.

11 years ago

Boyko wrote:

By the way can you check the JCarousel on our Fashion theme after changing the language to be English-RTL. I think it work as it should be working with the only difference is that the order of the products is the opposite of the default order.


YES, the fashion theme with RTL is working great,
and i don't care about the order of the products.
the swipe direction is in the SAME direction as the regular theme.

can you show me how can i change my jcarousel to work like the fashion RTL theme.
