
Profile: Thilak


User posts

10 years ago

Hi Boyko,
                     Thank you very much for your response.

I changed the global.asax file
I used nopcommerce 3.0 .I downloaded it from the official website only with source code
how can i overcome this error ?

10 years ago

I have installed nop mega menu plugin for trial which was released 5 days ago.I installed as per user guide instruction only.When i going to work with plugin it throws an error.

when i click


The ArgumentNullException is shown in  the following line

return new ViewEngineResult(strArray.Union<string>(strArray2));

this line is in themes\ThemeableVirtualPathProviderViewEngine.cs.

How can i rectify this error?

10 years ago


   I have downloaded and install the trial version of nop mega menu which is released on 5 days ago.
but i choose the

Plugins->settings to change the settings guided by doucumentation the error shown like this
ArgumentNullException at this code

    return new ViewEngineResult(strArray.Union<string>(strArray2));

this code is in themes/ThemeableVirtualpathproviderviewEngine.cs

how can i rectify this error?