
Profile: framedigital


User posts

10 years ago

Thanks Ivan - epic support as always. I've uploaded the new plugin version and the site is correctly filtering items with date ranges now :)

Best regards.

10 years ago


We have added some products to our shop where the product  availability is controlled by the "Available start date" option in the product variant info.

It looks like the Ajax filters do not consider the date ranges as part of the display rules.

We are using the latest NopAjaxFilters_2.65.37.7506 library with Nop 2.65. In the settings, all filters are disabled except for Enable Specifications Filter

To replicate:

1. Edit a product: Catalog > Products > [edit item]
2. Modify product variant > [Edit]
3. Change 'Available start date' to a future date
4. Save everything
5. Reload shop catalog page
6. Select filters - the product with the future date will still be visible, (this should not happen!)
7. Click link to product detail page
8. product detail page correctly identifies the product isn't available yet as per the future date setting, and redirects to the homepage.

11 years ago

Thank you Ivan - the control is now working as expected.

Very impressed with your support and quick updates, thanks again! :)

11 years ago

Thank you Ivan.

I've downloaded the latest version (I think there was a small update to 2.65.505.5024)

I can give you further details on the behaviour with the latest version:

1. I have one category with three products and set all products as featured products in the category manager

2. catalogsettings.includefeaturedproductsinnormallists is set to true

3. The main product list will display all three products, but no filters will display, as I think the filters look for products that are not featured.

The CatalogController (\Presentation\Nop.Web\Controllers\CatalogController.cs) handles this logic around lines 1057 and line 1304 with a property called IncludeFeaturedProductsInNormalLists. Obviously I don't know how your own application runs the filters!

11 years ago


We bought Ajax Filter a few weeks ago and are very pleased with it.

However, we've noticed that if products are featured in a category, they are excluded from the filters. We are using the Specification filter only.

To replicate:

1. Edit a category, Catalog > Categories > Edit
2. Select the "Products" tab, and set some "Is Featured Product" to true
3. Reload category page
4. The featured products will now no longer be returned in the filtered list.

We're not sure if this is by design or a bug. There is an option in Nop that controls this behaviour and it looks as if Ajax Filters ignores it.

When catalogsettings.includefeaturedproductsinnormallists == true, then Nops default behaviour is that categories will display all products *and* featured ones, however in AjaxFilters will not include products that are featured.

Is there a setting within the plugin that resolves this?

Many thanks.