
Profile: tunji69


User posts

3 years ago

Hello, I am seeing an issue with this plugin and would love some help or ideas for a workaround if possible

I have Grouped Products and a drop down with the Parent Product and the various variants. When an item is selected, I want the variant picture to be displayed. This works perfectly.

However, when I hover over the picture for any of the variants, the picture zooms in but stays static and the cursor changes to a cross hair one. From then on if I select any other product the picture doesn’t  reset to that of the selected variant and stays zoomed in with the cross air cursor.

Only when I do a refresh would the functionality return, until I hover over the picture.

The zooming works fine on the parent product , however once you hover on it, the next product you select exhibits the static zoomed in picture behavior as described above.

Thnak you and here is my razor code below:

@await Component.InvokeAsync("Widget", new { widgetZone =  PublicWidgetZones.ProductDetailsEssentialTop, additionalData = Model })
    IHtmlContent cloudZoom = null;
if ((settingService.GetSettingByKey("AvenueThemeSettings.ProductPageLayout",            "standard-gallery", storeId, true).Equals("standard-gallery")))
cloudZoom = await Component.InvokeAsync("Widget", new { widgetZone =              "sevenspikes_cloud_zoom", additionalData = Model });
@if (cloudZoom != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(cloudZoom.ToHtmlString()))
<div class="prod-pict" >

        // Go through the loop and put a div around each, hide all
        // Only when selected do you show.
        foreach (var variant in Model.AssociatedProducts)
           IHtmlContent cloudZoomVar = null;

cloudZoomVar = await Component.InvokeAsync("Widget", new { widgetZone = "sevenspikes_cloud_zoom", additionalData = variant });

if (cloudZoomVar != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(cloudZoomVar.ToHtmlString()))
<div class="prod-pict prodvarpic-@(variant.Id)" data-productid="@variant.Id" style="display:none">


Apologies in advance for the long post. I am on nopCommerce 4.3.0 and I want to use the sevenspikes api plugin.

As the latest version on this site is 4.2, I went to Github to get the 4.3 files at:

I built that successfully in VS2019 after including some Library and Presentation nopCommerce source code projects which then produced the Nop.Plugin.Api.dll file amongst others.

I had previously downloaded the 4.2 API from this website and then replaced the output files in that nop.Plugin.API folder with the corresponding updated ones produced by my build.

I put the folder in the plugins directory on my server and then logged in to my noCommerce site, went to administration, configuration and then local plugins.

I reloaded my list of plugins, selected the api plugin and then clicked on the install button. The api plugin then strangely disappeared from the list of plugins and when I click on the 'Restart application to apply changes' button, the site refuses to load with the following message :

FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The system cannot find the file specified.

I have tried manually copying the "jwtbearer" dll to where other dll's are but to no avail.

I then have to update the plugins.json file in my App_Data directory and do an iis reset in order to get the site to reload.

I'll be grateful if someone could tell me where I have gone wrong.