
Profile: embryo


User posts

11 years ago

Hello again!

While creating another topic yesterday, I noticed that you had edited your reply. I understood you to mean that the Smart SEO and Cloud Zoom plugins had been updated, so I downloaded the theme again and replaced those two plugin folders on my running site with the new ones from the most recent package.

Today, when I login to the administration area, I get this error:
Exception Details: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void SevenSpikes.Nop.Framework.Plugin.BaseAdminPlugin7Spikes..ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<SevenSpikes.Nop.Framework.Plugin.MenuItem7Spikes>, System.String, System.String, SevenSpikes.Nop.Framework.Data.Base7SpikesObjectContext, Boolean, System.String)'.

Source Error:

Line 47:     .Items(x =>
Line 48:     {
Line 49:         if (adminMenuPlugins.Count() > 0)
Line 50:         {
Line 51:             if (!hideAdminMenuItemsBasedOnPermissions ||

Source File: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MFS2\Administration\Views\Shared\Menu.cshtml    Line: 49

Is this (I assume) due to me replacing those two folders? Or what else might cause this issue? The only thing else that I've done lately is modify the view for my categoriesheadermenu and comment out the homepage products from the view at Themes/Electronics/Views/Home/Index.cshtml.

I'm kinda freaking out as there are now a few other employees who cannot do their work in the administration area!

Thank you!

I did see that, but wasn't sure if just commenting it out of the view would be enough.

Thanks Ivan!

I configured a JCarousel to show the featured products on my main page at the bottom...that works great, but I can't figure out how to disable the other "default" Featured products that also display on the main page.


11 years ago


I'm trying to add a couple of other links to my Categories Header Menu, but can't figure out the correct way to refer to the Home page..
I tried this:

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Home", new { SystemName = "home" })">@T("Home")</a></li>

....and evidentally "home" isn't the correct system name...what is?

Also, I want to add a link to the forum, and that does work, but it displays in all lower case instead of how I specify it in my code.

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Boards", new { SystemName = "boards" })">@T("KnowledgeBase")</a></li>

How do I get it to display the word "KnowledgeBase" instead of "knowledgebase" ??


11 years ago

Support wrote:

1. Get the latest version of the theme from our web site and replace all the plugin folders with the new ones aka to upgrade to the latest version.
Then restart your application and test the performance and let us know if there are any differences.

BTW: I am running the 2.65 version of the Electronics Theme, downloaded on 8/23/12...are there newer versions of the plugins available already?

11 years ago

Support wrote:
Some side questions:
Do you use any modified version of nopCommerce for running it on Azure or you simply use the default installation?

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

Thanks. If I can't find a server-related fix, I'll try this, but it seems like the site is quick to load once the "Waiting for response from (ip address)..." in the status bar goes it's probably not theme related at all.

I'm just using the standard nopCommerce 2.65 release.
I created a new database server at Azure, and I then created a new/empty database to use. I was provided with a choice of various connection strings so as to be able to access it from sites and applications written in different programming languages.
I then used SSMS to connect to both my local SQL Server Express(with nopCommerce data in it) and to the new Azure database at the same time.

I used the SQL Azure Migration Assistant to copy the entire schema of the local SQL Server database into my SQL Azure database...very simple. When complete, my new Azure database was built perfectly, but didn't have any data in it. I then used SSMS to script the data in my local SQL server instance as INSERT statements (Generate Scripts…turn off all scripts except ‘Script Data’) and ran them against the SQL Azure instance.  I then changed the connectionstring in my /App_Data/Settings.txt   Done.

11 years ago

Support wrote:

What database do you use as your connection string is quite different?
This is how our looks like:

DataProvider: sqlserver
DataConnectionString: Data Source=MY-PC\SQL2008R2;Initial Catalog=nop265;Integrated Security=False;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=xxxx;MultipleActiveResultSets=True

I'm connecting to a Windows/SQL Azure database, but put "xxxxxx" in place of my actual values.

I created a new application pool to use last night, and now, almost everything works as it should!

I had read that nopcommerce sites are often slow to respond when run from VS or localhost, so I was hoping for a performance increase when I moved the site to our server (a quad core Xeon processor)...but it's still moving along at a snail's pace...

I reallize that this isn't the actual nopcommerce forum, but help has been more forthcoming here than there and I'm hoping somebody knows a trick to speed things up a little.

I have already created a web garden for my application pool and set it to use up to four worker processes in an effort to speed it up, but I see no difference in performance.

Perhaps the problem isn't with the application itself, but DNS routing..I'll keep digging, but if you guys know of anything that might affect speed on an "almost factory stock" nopcommerce installation, I'm all ears...


11 years ago

Support wrote:

1. Make sure your Settings.txt file has this line:
It is very important that to be set to True

2. Please check that your application has access rights to the Content\Images folder.
As you have moved to a dedicated sever the access right needs to be set.

1. and 2.  
I have confirmed that my content/images folder has the necessary permissions, and have added that name value pair to my connection string as you said, but still having same errors. Below are the contents of my settings.txt file:

DataProvider: sqlserver
DataConnectionString:,1433;Database=xxxxxxx;User ID=xxxxxxxx@xxxxxx;Password=xxxxxxxx;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;

The pages all worked fine prior to moving to Windows Server 2003/IIS6. It was running on Windows 7 business edition with IIS7.

Oh, OK...I guess I thought that the nopcommerce installation included higher resolution "zoomable" photos by default.

11 years ago

I am having some issues with the electronics theme after moving it to my dedicated server.

From the main page, most of the category links in the header menu do not work, and also if you click on  the image links on the main page to the Shirts, Jeans, Shoes categories, you get an error that seems to be related to SevenSpikes SmartSEO I disabled it in admin area...
Now, same links produce other SevenSpikes plugin error related to Ajax filters...
See it here

examples of links in top menu header:   ....error.... fine... ?why?

Also, the product detail pages have same or similar errors..
except for a few products, like:

another issue on the product detail page, as you can see in the link above, is that the product photo zoom doesn't really zoom...this works on my localhost installation fine, but not on the new server.

Also, also, while attempting to edit any of the top level categories in the admin area (, I get this error:

A generic error occurred in GDI+.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException: A generic error occurred in GDI+.

Source Error:

Line 17: </div>
Line 18: <div id="@(clientId + "image")">
Line 19:     <img src="@(pictureService.GetPictureUrl(Model, 100, true))" />
Line 20: </div>
Line 21: @if (picture != null)

Source File: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MFS2\Administration\Views\Shared\EditorTemplates\Picture.cshtml    Line: 19

The other day I did check the boxes on some of the apparel products to appear on home page so that they'd be in my Nop Category Header plugin...perhaps it's related to that??

Any ideas?

11 years ago

OK, I'm back to work on this site today. I enabled the forum and added some forum groups and forums, but it isn't styled well at all. Something isn't right...look at this screen capture to see what I mean.
I haven't even touched the stylesheet yet, but I did go into Admin >> Languages >> and changed some of the string values for the Forums-related strings. I'm just not sure where the problem would be-

Also..after applying the theme, my login screen layout is off a little...see HERE...note the Email and Password alignment...

