
Profile: ChrisKaun


User posts

I'm still struggling with this.
I tried to add the 'closed' class to those toggleControl via javascript but adding/removing this class does not trigger the hide/show effect of the filter.
How can I achieve this?

Any hints how to achieve this?
I would write some javascript to remove the "closed" class when a list-item is checked. Is there any event that I can use from ajax filters in my script?

example of our shop (
We sell printer catridges but not every catridge is available for every printer.
We want to close the filter options for "Füllmenge" and "Farbe" on page load. When the customer picks any filter in the "Druckertyp" option, we want to unfold "Füllmenge" and "Farbe".
We will soon have ~50+ attribute values in "Füllmenge", thats why we first want the customer to select a printer so that the number of "Füllmenge" values that can be picked is reduced.

Hey, lets say I have four filter options. On start I only want to display #1 and #2 of those filter options. If a filter in #1 or #2 is selected filter #3 and #4 should dropdown.
It should still be possible for the user to open filter #3 and #4 manually, even if there is no filter in #1 or #2 selected.
Is this in any way possible?

6 years ago

is it possible to use the Reminder Rule - Unpaid Orders in combination with the orders payment method?
We have two payment methods configured, one that has to pay before the products are shipped and one that has to pay when the products arrive at the customers place.
So for the first payment method we won't send out an payment reminder email, but for the second payment method we need to send out a reminder after a couple of days.
Furthermore we would need to send out the email 30 days after the shippment was received by the customer.
Is this possible?

just tried to add some tags to use for searching. I noticed that when I search for a tag, the first one will always find the right product. If I add a second tag, or any other keyword, to the searchbar the instant search won't find anything.

I've created a product with the name "CoolProduct" and the tags "germany" and "denmark". Search for each of those keywords solely will return the product. If I search "CoolProduct germany" or "germany denmark" no product will be returned.
We are using Nop.Instant.Search v3.90.
Ps: That reply is also me, just with out company account. Forgot to log to my personal account again.

I would like to adjust the requirements of the ContactUs-Tab. I guess that this is only possible with the SourceCode and adjust the corresponding validator file.
Is it possible for you to send me a new compiled version of NopQuickTabs, where the "Name" and "Subject" Attributes are not required?
Regards, Chris

Hey, I have a problem with specification attribute filtering. Lets say I've created a few printer cartridges. One is named "Cartridge YELLOW - 200ml" and one "Cartridge GREEN - 200ml". I've created a specification attribute "Color" and added this to those cartridges. The "YELLOW" one got a color attribute of value "YELLOW", the "GREEN" cartridge with "GREEN" as its value. Both are allowed to be used as a filter. When I know enter my category page, where the filters are displayed, I have the filter-attribute "color" with the two values "yellow" and "green". If I tick only one of those, everything works as expected, but if I activate both attributes, both cartridges are displayed. My guess is that NopAjaxFilters uses a OR operator for these attributes. But I want to only display products with all attributes present, so for my example where GREEN AND YELLOW is present (which should return no products). Anyway to achieve this?


we bought the urban theme and wanted to adapt it to our company colors. I noticed the follwing problem when doing this: When I open the mega menu on my front-end, the overlay does not include the logo and the top-menu, where wishlist/login icons are displayed. On the demo page it is not that visible because the logo and the topbar are both black-ish.
My suggestion would be to rework the navigation, move the topbar and the icon out of the mega-menu context and simply apply a higher z-index to the mega menu. This won't work with the current html markup.