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I am hopping that you can provide us some help on this ASAP!
We have created two div's which are hidden by default and they have the following information:

<div id="deliverymsg" class="delivery" >
<span>Your delivery will arrive in approximately 40-60 minutes.</span>

<div id="pickupmsg" class="pickup" >
<span>Your order will be ready for pickup in approximately 20-30 minutes.</span>

In NOP we have a checkout attribute named "Ready" with two options "ASAP" and "Future"

The two new hidden DIVs are ONLY to show when the "ASAP: checkout attribute option is selected (NEVER when "Future").

So in summary:

1.) div id="deliverymsg" - should ONLY show up when: (shipping method is "Delivery" AND Ready checkup attribute value is "ASAP"

2.) div id="pickupmsg" - should ONLY show up when: (shipping method is "Pickup" AND Ready checkup attribute value is "ASAP")

We know NOTHING about Angular so we are really, really stuck on this one. Your prompt help would be much appreciated.

FYI: We found in the forum a response from you from 10 months POST#389 that had a similar request. Your response is below, but we are needing to check against two conditions so we think your suggested solution will not work for us.

"use strict"; function ShippingMethodsController(n, t, i, r) { var u = this, f; u.shippingData = {}; u.configData = {}; u.configData.isVisible = !0; f = !1; i.load(!0); n.$on("togglePanel", function (n, t) { angular.isDefined(t.hasProductsRequiringShipping) && (f = t.hasProductsRequiringShipping); u.configData.isVisible = !t.pickUpInStore && f }); n.$on("refresh", function () { var n = i.get(); angular.copy(n, u.shippingData); r.hideOverlay(".shipping-methods-loader") }); n.$on("setShippingMethodsOverlay", function () { r.showOverlay(".shipping-methods-loader") }); t.$watch("vm.shippingData.selectedShippingMethod", function (n, t) { n && t && (i.set(n), $(".section.checkout-attributes").toggleClass("ng-hide", === "Next Day Air")) }, !0); u.stringFormat = r.stringFormat; u.renderShippingDescription = r.trustAsHtml } angular.module("realOnePageCheckout.shippingMethods").controller("ShippingMethodsController", ShippingMethodsController); ShippingMethodsController.$inject = ["$rootScope", "$scope", "shippingMethodsContext", "objectUtility"];

Waiting for your assistance and MANY THANKS!!!