
Profile: SergeGusev


User posts

5 years ago

Yes, it fixed the problem, thank you

5 years ago

Re: A popup will appear asking you to choose a file to upload. Click on the Choose File button, navigate to the downloaded zip file and select it.

I have no new zip file. To download it I have to pay $359. Is there way to fix the problem without payments?

5 years ago

The versions:

  "Group": "7Spikes",
  "FriendlyName": "Seven Spikes Core",
  "SystemName": "SevenSpikes.Core",
  "Version": "4.0",
  "SupportedVersions": [ "4.00" ],
  "Author": "Seven Spikes Ltd",
  "DisplayOrder": -1,
  "FileName": "SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.Core.dll",
  "Description": "This plugin is required in order to use any other Seven Spikes plugins"

  "Group": "7Spikes",
  "FriendlyName": "Nop Poppy Theme",
  "SystemName": "SevenSpikes.Theme.Poppy",
  "Version": "4.0",
  "SupportedVersions": [ "4.00" ],
  "Author": "Seven Spikes Ltd",
  "DisplayOrder": 2,
  "FileName": "SevenSpikes.Theme.Poppy.dll",
  "Description": "This plugin allows you to configure the Poppy theme settings"


Yes, there is a browser console error - it cannot load

<script src="/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Theme.Poppy/Areas/Admin/Content/Scripts/admin.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

And this file does not exist there.

The working version loads file

<script src="/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Theme.Poppy/Scripts/admin.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

And this file does exist

5 years ago

Hmm. Images did not work? Correct picture - . Incorrect one -

5 years ago

Good day. Could you help me to solve one problem? When I install the Poppy theme in an installed site, the Preset colors work correct: . But when I run my site under Visual Studio, I have problems: . Setting custom color does not work too. Could you help me to solve this pboblem? Thank you in advance, Serve

6 years ago

anton_ivanov wrote:
Hope that helps!

It does :)

Thank you very much, Anton

6 years ago

Help me please with location of your theme. I'm stuck on  @Html.Widget("home_page_before_products") part on the Home\Index view.

Now it looks like this (the red frame is mine):

Where can I change it?

Thank you in advance,