Google Launches “Mobile - Friendly “ Labels in Mobile Search Results.

Just two days ago Google has officially launched the mobile friendly label in the mobile search results sending a clear message to webmasters that they need to go mobile friendly if they haven’t done this yet. A text label “mobile friendly” is added under the URL for the websites which are mobile optimized.
This will help mobile searchers know which sites are mobile friendly and which are not and decide whether they want to click on a search result and end up on a web page which is hard to navigate. In other words mobile searchers have an advantage now.
This is how the label looks like:
This should ring a bell to all webmasters whose websites are still not mobile friendly, because this may impair their organic traffic on mobile devices. To ecommerce websites this can be damaging in terms of number of visits, conversions and eventually revenue.
If you are wondering whether your site is mobile friendly you can run a test on the Google’s new Mobile-Friendly Test Tool and also review their Mobile Friendly Guidelines.
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