
Update price range when applying filters

10 years ago
#3332 Quote
  • 2
Hi, I would like to know how could I update the price range when clicking in filters, it would be very useful.

I guess it requires some custom modification, if you could guide me on it would be great.

10 years ago
#3337 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
CarlosWat wrote:
Hi, I would like to know how could I update the price range when clicking in filters, it would be very useful.

I guess it requires some custom modification, if you could guide me on it would be great.


Hi CarlosWat,

Thank you for this suggestion. It is really a good one.
Unfortunately it is not a trivial to be implemented, because a lot of areas in the plugin should be changed - source code, stored procedure, front end. As a matter of fact we are planning to add this functionality for the next release. You can propose it in our  user voice portal so that other customers can vote for it too.

We really appreciate your feedback and suggestions.