
404 /Themes/DefaultClean/Content/nivo/skins/.css

10 years ago
#2655 Quote
  • 1
I'm running a trail version of the Anywhere Slider on a standard NOP 2.8 install with my own custom theme.

When I browse to a Category page that is setup to use Anywhere Slider to display an image I'm getting a 404 error on the following CSS file:


Notice the missing CCS file name.

In the directory /Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders/Themes/DefaultClean/Content/nivo/skins there are two sub-directories: navigation-inside & navigation-outside. Both sub-directories contain a CSS file.

Any pointers to what might need to be configured to correct this error.

Thanks in advance,

10 years ago
#2658 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
Hi Chris,

The error you receive is due to not having a skin for the nivo slider in the administration of the plugin. Can you please download the plugin again and replace your plugin with the one from the downloaded package. The please double check what skin you have set in the administration for the given slider.

If the error still exists please send an email to our support email with credentials to your db if possible so that we can further investigate why you miss this setting in your slider.

Best Regards!