
CSS color changes

9 years ago
#6300 Quote
  • 6
Hi Guys,

Is there any way of adding additional colours to the admin selection for the theme?
I am using a different colour per store and although I am aware that I can change the colours in the CSS for the existing, I wondered if it is possible to add colour selections?

Thanks in advance
9 years ago
#6310 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
d-print wrote:
Hi Guys,

Is there any way of adding additional colours to the admin selection for the theme?
I am using a different colour per store and although I am aware that I can change the colours in the CSS for the existing, I wondered if it is possible to add colour selections?

Thanks in advance


Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment to have your own custom color as part of the color presets, but we are thinking of a color picker in the administration of the plugin that will allow you to  choose your own color for the color preset.
You can suggest this in our user voice portal and we will implement it in the next release of nopCommerce that is coming in a month.
Currently the only way to have your own color is to adjust the Themes/Allure/Content/Css/styles.css file and have your color there.

Thanks again!

Best Regards!