
User posts

12 years ago

12 years ago

I am using Electronics theme for my website. I need to integrate my website with payment gateway. In the shopping cart when I  select all the billing and payement info, and then I click on the "Confirm" button, it need to be posted to "" page with the values of the Amount, Shipping address and billing address passed to it.

Please suggest me how to do it.

Thanks in advance

12 years ago

Thanks for the quick response.It was very helpful. I was able to set the width to 100%
by the styles that you have suggested me. But I have a small problem. To the left side of the page there is a small gap maybe a 10px width gap. I could not find any left padding or left margin which is causing this. Can you please suggest me what can be done to remove the the small gap at the left of the page.
For your reference following is the url:

Thanks in advance
Ram Subhash

12 years ago

Following is the link to our website:

Thanks in advance

12 years ago

Thanks for the reply. It was very helpful. I was successful in getting the
header menu to 100% width but i am facing a problem with aligning the <ul> inside the header menu to center. It always aligns to the left. Please help me in this regard.

Thanks in advance

12 years ago


We used nop-electronics theme (2.50 version) for our website. We replaced the images to suit our needs.

We have couple of issues in customizing the design. When we replace the Menu strip with our image it fit in to 1000px but we needed it 100%.

What we need:

We want the Menu (Categories Header Menu) strip and Footer to be 100%. We tried several ways but we could not get it done. Please help us in this regard.