
Profile: Boyko


User posts

11 years ago

ejazmuhammad wrote:
Where i can find breadcrum on product page please

Hi ejazmuhammad,

The breadcrumb was intentionally removed from the Fashion theme because of the design of the theme.

You can add this line where you want the breadcrumb to appear on the product page:

@Html.Action("ProductBreadcrumb", "Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id })

The files for the product pages are these:

Hope this helps!

11 years ago

ejazmuhammad wrote:
As nop commerce 2.70 released today. Could you please let us know when fashion theme will be available for 2.70 thanks as its important for SEO and etc

Hi ejazmuhammad,

All our products will be released for nopCommerce 2.7 till Monday at latest. We will post here after each product is released so stay tuned.


salluu wrote:
wishlist and checkout button does not match. The style on buttons  update shopping bad or continue shopping does not match with wishlist button also there is no style on mini basket button as well

Hi salluu,

What do you mean by saying that the buttons don't match? Do you mean that they need to have the same styles? Please note that all of the css and html(.cshtml) files that come with the theme are open to modification and can be adjusted to everyone needs.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

bzbiz wrote:
Hi everyone,

how can I add my facebook page and my youtube user id to the links in the footer?

Now I have the "yourYouTubeUsername" variabiles in it.


Hi bzbiz,

You can change them by editing the "FooterShareButtons" topic. Go to Administration -> Content Management ->Topics

Hope this helps!

11 years ago

SiimKerge wrote:

I'm receiving this error with internet explorer 9. Mozilla and older internet explorer works fine.
"Retrieving /Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.AjaxFilters/JQueryTemplates/JDropDown.htm failed."

Anyone have an idea how to overcome this. I have the latest fashion theme that i downloaded yesterday and nop-commerce is 2.65.

Hi SiimKerge,

Please read the posts above and make sure you have set your Web.config file correctly.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

11 years ago

umut.gulkok wrote:
My site (v2.50) is a book store site. It and the ajax filters were funtioning well. However, I had to add a new table for book authors, this table's relationship with the products is exactly the sama as the manufacturers.

After some work some methods in the IProductService changed like the following
IPagedList<ProductVariant> SearchProductVariantsEx(int categoryId, int manufacturerId, string keywords, bool searchDescriptions, int pageIndex, int pageSize, bool showHidden = false, int writerId = 0);

This bold writerId parameter is added. But since it is optional it shouldn't be a problem.

I get the below exception when I click some specification in the ajax filter while the jquery post a command to "http://localhost:2640/Catalog7Spikes/GetFilteredProducts"

Exception Details: System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.

[MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.]

I gues this exception is very tipical when there is an inconstistency between nop services and sevenspikes core. But in order to correct the problem I should know all the dependencies between them. Which interfaces/services are critical for the sevenspikes core and ajax filter?

Hi umut.gulkok,

Unfortunately adding optional parameters is a breaking change.
Where exactly do you need(use) the new parameter writerId and how you intend to use it (on which pages)?
The Filters depend on most of the services available in nopCommerce as it need to work with the Categories, Manufacturers, Specification and Attributes - ICategoryService, IManufacturerService, IProductService etc. Basically the controllers of the Filters use the same interfaces as the CatalogController.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

11 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
Hi Boyko,

Could you please let us know if you are doing any design upgrades to the Electronic theme to look more modern and colourful. Atleast with 2.7..

We really wanna see electronics theme more professional, flashy and as a premium theme. There is already a post for it in voice portal.


Hi Jeevan,

Thank you for posting in our user voice portal!
We do not have plans to change the design of the Electronics theme as there are already a lot of people that use the theme and their web sites a live. They would not be very happy to see that their store has changes after an upgrade to newer nopCommerce version.
What makes sense though is to have some plugin that will allow store owners to change some of the colors. I believe this is what you would really benefit from.

Many thanks!

11 years ago

kevanbulmer wrote:
ok, I'll have a look into this further, but for now Im happy as, its working as i expect.

my SSL setting for the site in the web.config are:

<add key="UseSSL" value="True" />
<add key="SharedSSLUrl" value="" />
<add key="NonSharedSSLUrl" value="" />

As for the SSL cert on the server, this is a dedicated server & it is using its own SSL cert.

I'll report back if I get to the bottom of this.

Also thanks for your comments, the site is almost complete, there are just a few minor amends & fixes mostly for IE, you can add my site to your showcase by all means!


Hi Kevan,

Thank you for letting us add your web site to the showcase. It is much appreciated!
You should not have SharedSSLUrl and NonSharedSSLUrl values set. They need to be empty like this:

<add key="UseSSL" value="True" />
<add key="SharedSSLUrl" value="" />
<add key="NonSharedSSLUrl" value="" />

I am pretty sure this has caused the problem with the filters.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

11 years ago

kevanbulmer wrote:

Yes it was still happening, so in the end I have implemented a 301 redirect.

I think you should test this on a dev site, as this problem still exists.


Hi kevanbulmer,

I still think this is connected with something not quite correct on the server.
You can see on our demo site that it doesn't matter if it is with or without www.

Till now 2 other customers reported this and it was connected with their configuration on the server not being quite right. One of them has this "shared SSL" setting enabled. I was curious what could be wrong on your server. In any way a permanent redirect is required for good SEO, so you should keep it this way.
By the way your web site looks very nice. You have done great job! We really like the way you have styled the Ajax Filters. Would you mind if we add your web site to our showcase for the Ajax Filters?

Many thanks!

RJM wrote:
Will do. Should be launching within the hour... :)

OK, it looks like the z-idex is dynamically added by the jquery ui autocomplete, so the z-index should be added with important.


.ui-autocomplete {
z-index: 1002 !important;

Add this code at the end of this file:
