
Profile: viveramedia


User posts

12 years ago

The products I have are the default data from the installation so I have some in computers and computers/laptops, nothing further down than 2 levels...

12 years ago

Yeh I have everything checked!

12 years ago

I have products in the categories, however I have got some custom code that shows all products in sub categories of the current category instead of showing buttons to the sub categories.

Caould this be interferring with it?

The code was this:

(Which funnily enough seems to be your code :))

12 years ago

I'm seeing the products but not filters.

12 years ago

Ah yes, I already had a core folder but copied the folder from the ajax tabs zip and overwrote my old version.

It now works ok but I cannot see any filters.

It is only redering this:

<div data-pagerpanelselector=".pager" data-productsgridpanelselector=".product-grid" data-productslistpanelselector=".product-list" data-getfilteredproductsurl="/Catalog7Spikes/GetFilteredProducts" class="nopAjaxFilters7Spikes"></div>

Any ideas or anything else I need to do?

Many thanks,


12 years ago

Hi I'm getting the following error for the Ajax Tabs. I have installed it all fine and i'm using the default dark theme with automatic integration checked:

Method not found: 'System.Tuple`2<System.Decimal,System.Decimal> SevenSpikes.Nop.Services.Catalog.IProductService7Spikes.GetMinAndMaxProductPriceForCategory(Int32, Boolean, Boolean)'.

I uploaded the folder SevenSpikes.Nop.AjaxFilters to Nop.Web/plugins, found it in admin and installed.

Are there any other steps I need to take?

Many thanks,
