
Profile: kaunuk


User posts

9 years ago


Initial load is running NopCommerce stored procedure. But as soon as I used filter, that's the point where Seven Spikes ProductLoadAllPagegNopAjaxFilters procedure running, and the problem is returning. Does 7Spikes going to amend SP and include category hierarchy into the "order by" in future?

10 years ago

Boyko wrote:

Yes it was still happening, so in the end I have implemented a 301 redirect.

I think you should test this on a dev site, as this problem still exists.


Hi kevanbulmer,

I still think this is connected with something not quite correct on the server.
You can see on our demo site that it doesn't matter if it is with or without www.

Till now 2 other customers reported this and it was connected with their configuration on the server not being quite right. One of them has this "shared SSL" setting enabled. I was curious what could be wrong on your server. In any way a permanent redirect is required for good SEO, so you should keep it this way.
By the way your web site looks very nice. You have done great job! We really like the way you have styled the Ajax Filters. Would you mind if we add your web site to our showcase for the Ajax Filters?

Many thanks!


Dear Nop-Templates team.

This guy was right.

it IS the matter for plugin address line contains www or not. It does not matter when SSL is not enabled. but is IS matter with SSL enabled.

Just tested, checked, and problem is still there.
We got a plugin couple of month ago.

Everything was working fine (with www and without) unless we enabled SSL on NopCommerce version 3.00.

Now we have to force redirect to for this error will not apper on the page.

So, the problem is still here.

Thanks a lot!

Kind regards.
