
Profile: ellerlor


User posts

OK it is clear.. but what means " you need to create a new action" ..
First of all I have some problem to reference into your _ProductView.cs page my new development because I have not the project of Quick Tabs in my solution...

Thanks in advance for any better clarification

I want to use a custom tab to define the shipment cost; to do this I have to know the weight of the product. Into the _ProductCustomTab.cshtml page.
I put @using Nop.Core.Infrastructure as suggested by you and more other test but I am not able to know the weight of the product that I suppose I can find in Nop.Web.Models.Catalog.PopularProductTagsModel

Could you help me about this topic? It is the last steep before to go in production with my web site and nop templates plugin...

I am using Nop 3.2

Thanks in advance
