
Profile: clubfredd


User posts

10 years ago

I tried on changing the "4" to say "10" and that took up all the (great!) - BUT if I only have 6 categories then there will be extra divs with class "empty-box" :P

10 years ago

Ooops. Sorry, I was replying to the wrong topic. Didn't know how to delete post

10 years ago

I will do that definitely.

Anyway, I finally figured out how to make the background span the width of the browser. Now I am stuck with this particular bit:

From CategoryMenuTemplate.WithPictures.cshtml

@(Html.DataTable<SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu.Models.MegaMenuCategoryModel>(Model.CategoriesModels, 4, "row", "box",

The categories are divided in divs with class "row" containing 4 categories...

<div class="row-wrapper">
     <div class="row">
          <div class="box">..</div>
          <div class="box">..</div>
     <div class="row">
          <div class="box">..</div>
          <div class="box">..</div>

I want to remove that whole div.row container and just let move freely within div.row-wrapper, like so:

<div class="row-wrapper">
     <div class="box">...</div>
     <div class="box">...</div>

Can you point me to where I can modify this to make it such?

Thanks again!

Header links
10 years ago


On the HeaderLinks.cshtml, what do I change this (@Model.CustomerEmailUsername) to so that instead of showing the email when logged in, it will show the First name or Full name.

Thank you!

10 years ago

Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately, I have nopcommerce installed locally so I don't have a link.

The theme I am using as a base is the Beauty theme as that's what the client purchased and expects to be modified. I'm converting it into a responsive site, and thought that, based on my design modifications, the mega menu dropdown background would look good if it spanned the whole browser width.

On a different note, this is the first time I've used nopcommerce and the plugins here were amazingly written well. Not that I can completely understand all of it but the integration, performance and support is superb.

10 years ago

Hmm, I figured it out.
Thanks anyway.

10 years ago

How can I make the background of the megamenu (dropdown) span the browser width?

10 years ago

Hello there,

Besides the Title as the caption, how can I also show the ALT text (to be part of the whole caption)? Reason is I want a title and a description to show in the caption. Preferably if I can enclose each in a class or h3 so I can style them.

Thank you!