
Profile: Morphy989


User posts

10 years ago


actually was my mistake, not a problem with coding...but i learned a valuable lesson.
"Remember what database you are using"
I was using the internal database, and wasn't aware of the difference between using an internal and external database. Anyway...i switched to an external database and now it works fine.

Thank you :)

10 years ago


need help resolving an error. I am not that good with programing (more of a designer) but
i think i could solve the problem i'm having with little help.
I installed nop.anywhere.sliders plugin as part of ultimate plugin collection and
while trying to add a slider trough widgetZone or manually i get an error as follows:

The function 'CurrentUtcDateTime' is not supported by SQL Server Compact.

11 years ago


I am working on nopCommerce webshop development and what i would like to know if it is possible to add sliders with the Nop Anywhere Sliders plugin to product page (productdetailes widget) but only for products of certain categories?
I can't make it work since category mapping works only for category page.
Any suggestions on that area would be very helpful.

Thank you