
Profile: jakubz


User posts

9 years ago

I use this plugin to Lazy Loading and now have problem with Mega Menu, where picture doesn't "render"?

Maybe mega menu support Main Category + Childs without pictures?

9 years ago

If we talking about "pick up in store" maybe you have right. I just disable "pick up" in my store, and create new in shipping methods. has really nice One Page Checkout and i want create something similiar, short, clean and friendly. Unfortunatelly, when we have also shippment address, our "One Page Checkout" is really big/long (i have also Company and Vat number). I think many customers when see this - starts run away.  

That's why i think first step is to hide delivery address form. We can do this in to ways:

1. Default checked "ship to the same address" - and address forms are hidden.
2. Default unchecked - address form is hidden, but we have text: "Do you want a delivery to another address?" when client clicked "yes" new address forms is showing up for him.

Can you tell me, when you want upgrade this plugin? I wanted deploy OnePageCheout to my shop this weekend, but "complete button" has disqualified this solution :/ and I need wait until you change it - or maybe you can tell me how i can to change it. ;)

9 years ago

Yes :)
Maybe + some text.

9 years ago

Hi guys! I have few problems with One Page Checkout. Maybe you help me I also think you should add this in admin panel... I using Smart CSS version.

1. I want change to be a default checked "delivery to the same address". How can I do this? 
2. After "Enter billing address" i want to have option "Pick up in store". Now is hidding, when I checked "delivery to the same address". Can I change it?
3. How can I change "complete" button. I think this is bad solution make "complete" button uncklickable without any tips for customer what he should to do. Maybe there should be tips or when we try click "complete" button we should see information "accept rules first" or smth like that? 

What you think? :)


9 years ago

Don't you think about this?

9 years ago

Hi Guys! 
is this possible to configure Mega Menu where i Click "products" (menu with categories) and this move mi to page with all categories? Now "Products" is not clickable... i write fast i hope you understand ;)

9 years ago

Ok i see. Nopcommerce don't upgrade info. On plugin page is info its support 3.5 :)


9 years ago

Wow! Thx! you talk about it: but it's support only 3.30 ver? 

Can I add this when i have ver 3.5 ?

9 years ago

Maybe Smart Responsive theme support lazy loading? 

Hi! maybe you thinking about start support this plugin in smart Theme? ;)