
Profile: metta123


User posts

10 years ago

What about just displaying in the mega menu and not in the corresponding page?

10 years ago

It worked, that was brilliant. Thank you very much for your excellent assistance.

10 years ago

I'm using this feature and getting on well with it. I've create Topic menu which has a drop down which has the topic page contents in the drop down. What I want to do is have just a little of the actual topic pages content in the drop down. So if a user actually clicked on Topics they would be redirected to the topics page where there is a load more content thats not displayed in the dropdown.

Any ideas on how to achieve this? Along the lines of the beloew code.

<div class="row topic-wrapper">
<div class="box">
<p>In dropdown</p>

<div style="color: yellow;">Not in dropdown!</div>