
Profile: Nowfal


User posts

11 months ago

Hi I am rebuilding the ultimate carousel plugin from 3.70 to 4.60 when i try to install it the other sevenspike plugins like core,theme,ajaxcart are getting disabled and i am unable to enable it again untill i uninstall the ultimate carousel plugin manually. what would be the cause for this where would have i gone wrong in the redevelopment stage.

11 months ago

Hey hi,
I have rebuilt the UltimateCarousel Theme from 3.60 to 4.60 when i install it the actual SS Core and other plugins getting disabled and unable it to enable again and the theme also is changed what is the actual behaviour of the plugin?

11 months ago

Hey hi,
Please ignore the last query.

"This plugin is used to change the color of the product"

Now i have rebuilt custom plugin made by nop-templates from 3.70 to 4.60 but getting the following error while loading the page ajax call gets the 400 bad request error on http://localhost:15533/shoppingcart/productdetails_attributechange?productId=298&validateAttributeConditions=True&loadPicture=True  

and is it possible to debug the colorconfigurator controller to check if /ColorConfigurator/GetImagePreview?productId=" this gets hit

11 months ago

Hi thanks for that, i am rebuilding UltimateCarousel from 3.70 to 4.60 version but im unable to find one of the dll used in 3.70 that is "SevenSpikes.Nop.Conditions" what is the substitute of this or how can i resolve this in 4.60?

11 months ago

we were using 3.70 version and brooklyn theme with colorconfigurator now have upgraded to 4.60 and purchased the latest theme and plugin as well but i am unable find the colorconfigurator so that some of the pages are getting an error is there any other plugin with this functionality or any work around to be done. Thanks